Well, my first Blog. It has taken me a few years to finally stop and make one. I hope to discuss some cool things here. I have a company called Lionheart Creations which I love managing and I hope to take it to new, higher, better levels and perhaps one day, if God allows me, to touch the world and help to make it a better place, to help people and perhaps also to come out with some amazing inventions and creations. For me, creation is what its all about. Design and onward. The dream....
Just a few things about myself. My company makes flight simulation software (aircraft digital packages) which one flies in Flight Simulator X, or in the new Lockheed Martin 'Prepar3D', a newer and very well done flight training simulator. We are presently making a Piper Pacer (classic) and working with two manufacturers with two new planes that will follow this one.
I am into God, the Holy Word, and am a non-denominational, pure Christian. I study the word daily and I love it. I recently claimed the promise in Psalm 91: 14-16.
I love Science Fiction movies and got caught up in 'John Carter of Mars' and found that it was an old book series by a famous author long ago. I then found it in digital format and got it for my iPad. I am on page 700 something of 1600 pages. A very long, great read.
I am a designer and love to create things. I started a car company in 1986, which fell apart a year later via insufficient startup funds. I went into car design and the Kit Car market for years, then into aircraft production for a short while, then vehicle engineering and development with jobs at Range Rover and also Chrysler. I then started a company that was based around design and found that there was a market for payware aircraft packages for simulators, which is what I am presently doing now.
Thats it for this first, short blog! Thanks for reading.
I hope you all find the blog informative. I love to help people out and love to share what I learn.
Kind regards and Gods blessings,
Bill Ortis